Stephen Gilby is sworn in as part of the cabinet of new Prime Minister Mark Carney, as new ministers of Canadian culture and identity Parks Canada and Quebec all-Li.
Before his latest cabinet appointment, Gilby was Minister of Environment and Climate Change. Laurier’s MP – Centemarie of Quebec also served as Minister of Heritage from November 20, 2019 to October 26, 2021.
During that period, Gilby was led by Bill C-10 to propose changes to the long-standing broadcasting laws that many of the Canadian film and television industry have been postponed, navigating the disruptions of the Covid-19 pandemic.
“On behalf of the Canadian Media Fund (CMF), we would like to congratulate Minister Stephen Gilby on his return to his cultural portfolio as Minister of Culture and Identity in Canada. CMF CEO Valerie Creighton said in a statement. “We look forward to working closely with him to support the continued growth and resilience of the Canadian screen industry.”
In another statement, the Canadian Association of Media Producers highlighted that Gilby introduced a short-term compensation fund during the Covid-19 pandemic during his tenure, “providing the insurance needed for productions to move forward and the insurance needed to protect thousands of jobs.”
Gilbee has replaced the resigned Minister of Heritage Pascalé St. Onghe, who has held the position since July 2023. In late February, St-Onge proposed a wide range of plans for the future of CBC/Radio-Canada.
“She is a precious ally in the industry and has shown an unwavering commitment to Kampang’s excellence,” Clayton said. “We appreciate her contributions and hope that she is all the best.”
Includes Barry Walsh files