City of Kitchener, Guelph and Cambridge brightens in blue and yellow, marking the world Down syndrome day
News Release
Waterloo Wellington Down Syndrome Association
The Waterloo Wellington Down Syndrome Association (WWDSS) is excited to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) 2025 with a series of events that promote inclusion, awareness and community engagement. This year’s theme, “I Can,” highlights the talent, achievements and contributions of individuals with Down syndrome.
“The “I Can” series shows people with Down syndrome can achieve their goals with support from their families and communities. They often need to add speech, physiology and occupational therapy to overcome common challenges in diagnosis. Lisa Buurma, WWDSS Chair
Community events and celebrations
KW Titans Game – Sunday, March 16th (2-4pm) – Kitchener Memorial Lecture
Take over and participate in the KW Titans basketball game. The “I Can” video has been featured, and players and fans are encouraged to wear colorful, incompatible socks, a global symbol of WDSD. People with Down syndrome will be awarded a ritual vault toss at the time of tip-off.
Cambridge Public Library – “10 Years of Inclusion” Viewing Event – Saturday, March 22nd (2-4pm)
This special event features a screening of a 10-year documentary, highlighting the progress and advocacy of authentic representations of individuals with Down syndrome in the media over the past decade. WWDSS Family Panels and photographer Hilary Gold, filmmakers and Digital Sabbath share their insights, while keynote speaker Adele Perdham inspires participants.
Guelph Public Library – Storytime and Community Connection – Friday, March 21st (10am to 12pm)
The main library hosts WDSD Community Connection events, including special storytime surprises in the children’s area.
WDSD Celebration Party – Friday, March 21st – Kitchener, Alpine Club (5:30pm to 8:30pm)
The Ultimate WDSD Celebration is a family-friendly event that includes face painting, photo booths, food and dance parties, celebrating the benefits of Down Syndrome. You will need to register by Friday, March 14th.
School and Community Engagement
It is recommended that local schools, businesses and organizations participate in WDSD.
✓ Wear colorful, incongruous socks on March 21st to raise awareness
✓ Host WDSD activities at schools with educational resource packages
✓ Support community fundraising activities at TWBBrewing
Public awareness initiative
City of Kitchener, Guelph and Cambridge brighten with blue and yellow marks World Down Syndrome Day!
Join us in celebrating the abilities, dreams and voices of individuals with Down Syndrome! To learn more, sign up or take part in the event, visit or follow us on social media. Whether you’re joining us or not, please post and tag us about World Down Syndrome Day on March 21st! You can also wear colorful socks.
Facebook: @waterloowellingtondss instagram: @wwdss_wwdss