In a world increasingly shaped by algorithms, migration, and cultural convergence, religious identity is no longer a lifelong assignment. According to a sweeping new report from the Pew Research Center, more than 20% of adults in many countries have now abandoned the religion they were raised in. And the largest losses? Christianity and Buddhism.
Titled “Many People Are Leaving Childhood Religions Around the World,” the Pew report—released on March 26—analyzes nearly 80,000 responses across 36 countries. It’s the most comprehensive global snapshot of religious switching to date. The study defines “religious switching” as a change between the religion a person was raised in and the one they identify with in adulthood. And the data is clear: the childhood faith many inherit is no longer the one they keep.
Christianity in Retreat
In 27 countries with large enough Christian populations to analyze, more people have left Christianity than joined. Western nations top the list: in Spain, 35% of adults who were raised Christian no longer identify with the religion. Sweden and Germany follow closely (29%), with the Netherlands (28%), Canada and the UK (26%) rounding out the top tier. The United States sits in the middle, with 19% of adults reporting they’ve left Christianity behind.
The vast majority of these former Christians aren’t converting to other religions—they’re becoming religiously unaffiliated. In Pew’s language, these are the “nones”: atheists, agnostics, or those who simply say they believe in “nothing in particular.”
Yet Christianity isn’t vanishing. In fact, in countries like the Philippines, Hungary, and Nigeria, the faith remains remarkably resilient. In these nations, nearly everyone who grew up Christian continues to identify as such in adulthood.
The South Korea Paradox: Modest Conversions, Major Exits
Nowhere is religious transformation more complex—and more revealing—than in South Korea. The country boasts one of the highest rates of religious switching globally, with 50% of adults having changed their religious identity at some point. While a modest 16% of those who left their childhood traditions now identify as Christian, the net trend is one of decline: Christianity is losing more adherents than it’s gaining.
Earlier data had suggested that about 14% of South Korean adults entered Christianity, compared to 19% who left it. More recent findings sharpen the picture: just 51% of those raised Christian remain in the faith today. Nearly half of former Christians have joined South Korea’s rapidly growing unaffiliated population—which now represents 49% of adults.
The shifts aren’t limited to Christianity. Buddhism has also taken a hit, with 13% of South Korean adults raised Buddhist now identifying with no religion. Interestingly, about 6% of adults who grew up with no religion have adopted Christianity, suggesting some pull remains. But the overall trajectory is clear: secularization is winning.
These changes, captured through a blend of telephone, face-to-face, and online surveys, reflect a society in deep spiritual flux—one where old loyalties are fading, and organized religion is steadily losing its cultural foothold.
Where Religion Sticks—and Where It Doesn’t
Pew’s research uncovers global outliers. The countries with the highest rates of religious switching include South Korea (50% of adults), Spain (40%), Canada (38%), Sweden (37%), and the Netherlands and the UK (36% each). The United States ranks 13th, with 28% of adults having made a religious shift.
At the other end of the spectrum: Tunisia and Bangladesh report virtually no switching, with less than 1% of adults leaving their childhood faith. Indonesia and Israel also come in at just 1%, while India and Thailand sit at 2%.
Generational Divide
In 13 of the countries surveyed—mostly in Latin America, Europe, and North America—adults under 35 are significantly more likely to switch religions than those over 50. In countries like Brazil, Mexico, the U.S., and much of Europe, young people are walking away from traditional faiths at a rate older generations never did.
This isn’t just a cultural quirk—it’s a generational statement. Organized religion is increasingly viewed as optional, if not obsolete.
Religion in the Age of Choice
This religious realignment isn’t just about personal belief. It’s about generational identity, cultural trust, political alignment, and how we engage with institutions in an age of relentless personalization.
“These figures reflect religious trends in the 36 countries included in the survey,” the Pew report states, “but do not necessarily represent the global population.”
Still, the implications are massive. Christianity—despite its losses—remains the largest and most geographically widespread religion on Earth. In 25 of the 36 countries surveyed, it is still the majority faith.
But that might not last forever. As younger generations reshape everything from work to relationships to political systems, religion is undergoing the same scrutiny. The story of global faith is no longer about tradition—it’s about choice. And it seems the religions of our childhoods may not be the ones we carry into the future.